District Heating Mürzzuschlag
Mürzzuschlag is a town of 8,500 inhabitants in a mountain region between Vienna and Graz. It’s district heating system used to be fired by natural
There was need for roof renovation and this made collector installation easier. Also the heat supplier of the settlement wanted green energy in addition to district heating. So there was a good opportunity both to mount collectors on the roofs
SOLID built the systems step by step in parallel with the roof renovations. Overall hot water supply for 756 residential units in 22 buildings. There is sophisticated feed-in system for solar heat: first it supplies the building underneath the collectors. When the building’s demand is satisfied, other buildings of the housing are supplied via the heating grid. When these are also satisfied, the heat is stored in two tanks with 60 m³ in total.
The inhabitants of the top level apartment benefit from shading of the roofs. This solutions is a nice showcase for existing buildings. Due to solar thermal integration, it was easier to obtain subsidies also for façade and roof renovation.
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Mürzzuschlag is a town of 8,500 inhabitants in a mountain region between Vienna and Graz. It’s district heating system used to be fired by natural
SOLID supports the air-conditioning system of IKEA in Singapore. The solar plant, with 2,472 m² of collector area and an absorption chiller with 250 RT/880
Prishtina, the capital of Kosovo, will be one of the most advanced European city in terms of solar district heating
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