Bank Headquarters in Lisabon

Solar cooling and more for a large office building

The solar thermal coolings system at CGD is the biggest one in Portugal

Caixa Geral de Depósitos (CGD) is a Portuguese state-owned banking corporation, and the second largest bank in Portugal. It was established in Lisbon in 1876. It’s large headquarters in Lisbon have a high demand for hot water, heating and cooling and also have large roof areas. This were perfect preconditions for a large scale solar thermal system for heat and cold from SOLID.

The project started when the SOLID CEO met CGD’ facility manager at a conference and expressed his desire for a green solution as CGD had high cooling, heating and hot water demand.

Together with Energia de Portugal, charged by CGD, SOLID develop a solution for cooling, space heating and hot water with collectors only in the inside of the building complex. The architect refused, that collectors are placed on the visible outside part of the building complex. Even though the building was already existing, the architect has a life-long veto right regarding major changes of the building.

The solar system has a good marketing effect for the bank and boosts its green image. There is even a demo collector in the lobby of the building.

Technical Specifications


CO2 Savings
200 t/a

Collector area
1579 m²

11 m³

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