SOLAR Cooling

Solar irradiation and cooling demand match perfectly

Generating cold from hot water

Solar thermal cooling benefits from high irradiation during the day and the heat for driving the chiller can even be stored for evening hours

Solar energy is a solution that provides promising opportunities. It can be used in virtually all buildings to operate the cooling circuits and therefore to air-condition rooms. The cooling load is usually provided if solar energy is available and therefore the cooling demand of a building is approximately equivalent to the solar radiation. Solar air-conditioning systems are usually operated with entirely non-hazardous operating liquids such as water or brine solutions.


More than just cooling

Solar cooling plants are also used for hot water preparation all year round and space heating in winter

The economics of any large scale solar thermal plant can be improved substantially by integrating hot water supply all year round. Solar Hot Water is the most efficient solar technology. One single solar thermal plant can deliver hot water both for driving an absorption chiller machine for cooling and for sanitary hot water preparation.

Success Stories

SOLID installed solar hot water & heating energy systems around the globe. Here is a list of similar projects. Or you can click here to get back to our Success Story Overview.

Kunde IKEA Singapur

IKEA – Cooling in Singapore

SOLID supports the air-conditioning system of IKEA in Singapore. The solar plant, with 2,472 m² of collector area and an absorption chiller with 250 RT/880 kW, cools the multi-storey building.

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Kollektorfläche der Solarthermieanlage AVL Graz

AVL List

The solar plant at AVL is Central Europe’s largest solar thermal system for industrial heating and cooling

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Solarthermische Großanlage für die Büros von Digicel

Digicel Office Cooling

Digicel is one of the leading Telcom providers in the Caribbean region and thus wanted state-of-the-art technology for its new office building in Kingston, Jamaica.

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United World College, Singapore

The new campus was designed with support by SOLID’s concept for large-solar-thermal-systems, to fulfill the criteria of the Green Mark Platinum Certificate. The Green Mark Platinum certificate by the Building

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Franziskus Hospital Harderberg

Franziskus Hospital Hardberg

The solar thermal plant, with in total 790 m²/8,500 ft², supports the energy supply of domestic hot water system, heating system, air-conditioning system (via absorption chiller) and feeds solar heat

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Bank Headquarters in Lisabon

Caixa Geral de Depósitos (CGD) is a Portuguese state-owned banking corporation, and the second largest bank in Portugal. It was established in Lisbon in 1876. It’s large headquarters in Lisbon

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Hospital Managua

The military hospital in Managua is the most modern hospital in Nicaragua and serves both civil and military patients. As Nicaragua is heavily dependent on fossil fuel imports both for

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