Revolutionizing district heating
Discover the Solution to Securely Plan and Operate district heating Systems with Renewable Energy Sources!
The countries of the Western Balkans, Serbia, BiH, North Macedonia, Kosovo, Montenegro and Albania are ready to hit the switch to renewables. District Heating and cooling used to be powered by fossil fuel, which also strengthened dependencies on foreign energy imports. To spark action in the field of district energy a new program was put into place by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, which was funded by the Austrian government.
ReDEWeB, Renewable District Energy in the Western Balkans, aims to support the establishment of a market for renewable district energy investments through a range of measures. To ensure great success of the program suitable and qualified consultants are required. SOLID was asked to provide help in their area of expertise: Heat pumps and solar thermal. Big Solar feasibility studies are already being carried out and will soon bring down Big Oil for a bright and sunny future.
Discover the Solution to Securely Plan and Operate district heating Systems with Renewable Energy Sources!
SOLID Solar Energy Systems GmbH participated in the flagship project ThermaFLEX. The project dealt with increasing energy flexibility and resulting CO₂-emission reductions in the district heating sector.
To support monitoring personnel with their work, researchers from SOLID Solar Energy Systems, BEST Bioenergy and Sustainable Technologies, and Links Foundation developed a new fault detection algorithm, called Fault-Detective, as
You always wanted to know what solar thermal has to do with cows? SOLID has built a new large-scale solar thermal plant in California and recently put it into operation.
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