Solar Process Heat

Huge potential for savings of fuels and CO₂

Efficiency improvement and energy savings in industry

The usage of solar heat for industrial processes is recently at a very early stage of development and has a huge commercial and technological potential. At the moment, 28 percent of the whole energy demand in the EU is for industrial processes and a third of these processes requires temperatures below 100° C.

This demand can be covered very easily by SOLID’s high temperature flat plate collectors at a high level of overall system efficiency. And with an excellent potential for economic energy storage.

SOLID with its know-how for large scale solar thermal plants is very active in the field of solar process heat, not only in commercial sales projects but also in participating at EU-research projects for demonstrating the reliability and quality of solar process heat plants.

Success Stories

SOLID installed solar hot water & heating energy systems around the globe. Here is a list of similar projects. Or you can click here to get back to our Success Story Overview.

Solar system for dairy plant in California

Dairy industry in California

Dairy Industry in California produces a wide range of high-quality dairy products for private label, foodservice, industrial and export markets. The company wanted to replace a portion of its energy needs with renewable energy sources. SOLID implemented an effective, long-term and sustainable solution.

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Kollektorfläche der Solarthermieanlage AVL Graz

AVL List

The solar plant at AVL is Central Europe’s largest solar thermal system for industrial heating and cooling

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Solarthermie Kollektoren für Berger Schinken

Berger Meat Factory

Fleischwaren Berger, located in Sieghartskirchen near Vienna, exists since over 125 years and produces different types of ham. The company is family-owned and family-run has a strong focus on local

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